Våra inköpsvillkor/
Our terms and conditions

Våra inköpsvillkor

I vårt arbete för en sund konkurrens och en säker arbetsplats har vi tagit fram villkor vi vill komplettera våra köpta tjänster med. Vid varje affär gäller de villor som fanns vid kontraktsdatum. Den senaste version är 4.0.

Our terms and conditions

Byggmästar’n i Skånes and Rehn Byggers terms and conditions regarding the purchase of services and materials for our construction projects. These apply to all purchases and are the minimum requirement for entering into an agreement with us. Please read the latest one, the old ones are there because You might need to read it in an older agreement/contract.  The difference between version 2 and 3 really only refers to the fact that we have missed information about Rehn Bygger’s GLN number and e-mail address for invoices, so no changes in the terms per se.

Terms and conditions 1.0 – download the PDF

Terms and conditions 2.0 – download the PDF

Terms and conditions 3.0 – download the PDF